Dinner in Oregon

Dinner in Oregon header image
From soup to nuts, a full menu of articles featuring Oregon's finest cuisine and the research that helps deliver good food to the table
starters image
  • grapes
    How OSU researchers help bring the full flavor of grapes to Oregon wines
  • beer
    Defining a New Vocabulary for Craft Brews
  • hazelnuts
    Oregon’s official state nut rebounds with resistance to blight
  • oyster farm
    Good breeding is at the heart of the West Coast oyster industry
salads image
  • Swiss chard
    Move over iceberg. Salad has transformed from a pale, watery wedge to a medley of sunny colors and flavors
  • cheese wheels
    OSU students lead the whey
breads image
  • barley harvest
    Cracking the genetic code for barley has opened up a world of possibilities for the world’s oldest grain
  • bread
    With tweezers, mixers, and genetic maps, OSU researchers are turning wheat into breads, noodles, and pastries
  • olives
    A taste of the Mediterranean comes to southern Oregon
main course image
side dishes image
Desserts image
  • berries
    Oregon berries are the best in their class
  • pears
    Fighting pests with basic instincts
  • berry in cream
    300 conventional and organic dairy farms to participate in new comparison
  • cherries
    Oregon sweet cherries make their mark on the world
Published in: Food Systems