Editor's Note

Editor's note
Thoughts from editor Peg Herring.
Harold Otley's boots; photo by Lynn Ketchum

These boots tell an Oregon story. They belong to Harold Otley, an 89-year-old rancher from Harney County. The Otley family has collaborated with scientists from Oregon’s Agricultural Experiment Station for more than 30 years, to help learn how to keep Oregon’s rangeland healthy. Most recently, Otley and his neighbors have been helping corral the spread of western juniper that is expanding across much of the intermountain West.

Many of the accomplishments reported in this magazine are a result of long-term collaborations between OSU researchers and people in Oregon, working together to solve problems and test new ideas.

Agricultural research depends on strong collaborations with cooperators who generously offer their land and resources for experiments of all kinds. They tolerate the
inconvenience and uncertainty that come with research. Some wear boots. Others wear golf shoes, hip waders, or wing-tips. They all keep Oregon’s agricultural research grounded in experience.

Here’s a standing ovation to those who help make
research possible.