
Stories related to economics

The Ring of Success thumbnail image
Like the onions grown there, Oregon's Treasure Valley has many layers and a solid core of research.
The campaign against invasive species needs your help.
OSU researchers wade into the West’s largest wetland.
Klamath Basin Revisited thumbnail image
Five years after a devastating drought split the community, Klamath Basin residents are working out a solution.
Innovative growers are re-using industry’s water in the Umatilla Basin.
Why OSU Extension urges you to “find friends in high places.”
The mighty Pacific Ocean shows its power—and its vulnerability—in recent OSU research.
Water, Water Everywhere? thumbnail image
Coastal communities are running short of water, where and when it’s needed the most.
Taking the Measure of Measure 37 thumbnail image
OSU economists examine Oregon's land use laws.
Welcome to Surimi School thumbnail image
It's an international buffet of new seafood-based delicacies made from fish that no one else wanted.