Stories by Andy Duncan

Note from the Editor thumbnail image
Thoughts from editor Andy Duncan.
Dangerous Liasons thumbnail image
Social and environmental bridge-building seems to be spreading in Oregon.
Why You Should Give A Rip About Dirt thumbnail image
OSU scientists are learning more about that thin skin 4,000 miles from the center of the earth.
Lavern Weber's Excellent Adventure thumbnail image
On a recent quest, Lavern Weber drove the equivalent of Portland to Chicago. He never left Oregon. But he got what he was after.
Splendor in the Mass thumbnail image
The grass seed industry has moved past controversy to good times. Find out how.
Fishing for Answers thumbnail image
Around the state OSU faculty and staff are helping with salmon restoration.
Good Earth thumbnail image
OSU and farmers are collaborating on sustainability research.
Voyage of the Beagle thumbnail image
Whale tracking has come a long way: clear up to satellites orbiting the earth.
The Lahontan's Lifeblood thumbnail image
An OSU fisheries graduate student is conducting a pioneering study of how beavers impact a desert stream.
Back to the Future thumbnail image
Agriculural Experiment Station scientists and Extension Service faculty offer predictions for the 21st centruy.